
10 warning signs of depression

It’s completely normal to feel sad sometimes. When we are going through a difficult period, mourning allows us to grieve. However, grief is different from depression. Depression is a prolonged feeling of deep sadness combined with a lack of interest in activities that would normally make you happy. Depression isn’t always associated with an upsetting event. This does not mean that you can take it seriously.

If you think you are depressed, you are not alone. One in four Canadians will experience a period of depression that requires treatment at least once in their life. Fortunately, there are many ways to get help. Here are some warning signs that something is wrong.

1- Sleep disorders

People with insomnia are more likely to become depressed over time than people without sleep problems. Sleep disturbances can also be a symptom of depression. Because of their close connection, it’s hard to know which came first: sleep disorders or depression. However, sleep disturbances can cause mood swings and are a common symptom of depression.

2- Loss of interest in activities you normally enjoy

It’s normal for the things you care about to change over time. However, you may also have hobbies and interests that follow you throughout your life, such as cooking or running. When you stop doing these things because they no longer matter to you, it could be a sign that something is wrong. Loss of interest can prevent you from socializing or showing up for work. If you feel this way for more than two weeks, see a doctor or therapist.

3- A change in appetite

Some people with depression lose weight due to a lack of appetite. The opposite can also be true: a person eats a lot, which leads to weight gain. If your weight changes a lot, ask yourself if these changes could be a sign that something is wrong.

4- Emotional outbursts

Sadness and melancholy are two known aspects of depression. Studies have also shown that anger can also be linked to depression. Men are especially likely to be in a bad mood when they are depressed. Depression is a mood disorder that can prevent you from processing and expressing your feelings in healthy ways.

5- Lethargy

Lethargy, quite simply, is a lack of energy. When you get depressed, you feel lethargic even though you haven’t exercised. Lethargy is noticeable both physically and mentally. People with depression often report:

They feel tired
They move in slow motion
They can’t focus
Let their thoughts run in slow motion
They speak more slowly

6- Dark Thoughts

When sadness clouds your gaze, you may have dark thoughts. In some severe cases, depression can lead to suicide. If you are having dark thoughts, remember that your state of mind and feelings are temporary. Suicide is a permanent response to a temporary problem.

People who feel suicidal need immediate help from a therapist or care team. If you feel suicidal, call a friend, an emergency helpline, or go to the emergency room of a hospital near you.

7- Risky behaviors

Risky and comfort-seeking behavior can be varied by diverting attention from painful thoughts and feelings. These rewards are short term and can put you at risk. Here are some examples of risky behaviors:

Unprotected sex
Increase speed while driving
Take medications
fighting or violence

8- Drug abuse

Abuse of drugs or alcohol is a form of self-medication. These substances can provide a temporary escape from feelings of sadness and emptiness. Over time, excessive alcohol or drug use poses a threat to the physical and mental health of a person with depression.

9- Unexplained pain

Negative emotions can also affect your physical body. If you’re in pain and you don’t know why, it could be a sign that your body is trying to tell you something about your state of mind. These breads may include:

Back ache
Shoulder and neck stretching
restless legs
Strong seals

10- Difficult life events

Despite our best efforts, life isn’t always easy. Difficult life events, such as the death of a loved one or divorce, cause intense feelings. If your grief seems to last for a long time (more than half of each day for more than two weeks), you may need support. You can find the right treatment for you.

Depression is a very common experience among Canadians. You don’t need to control your life. You can get help. Talking to a therapist can help you feel like yourself again….

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